
Dr. Praneeth Skin Hair Laser Clinic

Types of Acne

Types of Acne and How to Treat Them

Treating a pimple can really be a headache, and not knowing the cure for this is always a huge problem. Having acne is a gender-less and adult-teenage problem. There are multiple ways by which these pimples come up. Here is some information that can help with acne, and some causes.

what is Acne?

It is a general skin irritation caused by several different reasons. It is the most common skin problem in young teenagers and adults.

Causes of Acne

There are a few factors on which acne hinges on –

  • Hormonal changes – The changes in the body can really affect your skin and bring irritation to some exposed parts of the body. Androgens increase in young boys and estrogen in girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge. Thus making more sebum. Hormone changes can also occur during midlife, particularly in women and men who undergo stress, pollution, etc on a daily basis.
  • Stress -Mental health can also be a hugely important factor for pimples, different types of oils are released from the skin that causes this acne. Stress may not cause acne directly but if one already has acne then stress can worsen it as stress releases a lot of hormones that in turn increase the acne problem.
  • Medications – Some certain types of medication can also bring change in the skin and cause disturbance on the skin.
  • Diet – Not having healthy dietary supplements can also be huge destruction to the skin, and eating healthy can also help reduce them. Consuming certain foods such as carbohydrate-rich bread and buns etc may worsen the cause of acne. Studies also show that not all people react to diet the same way. Therefore, it is important to carefully follow your diet and the causes of acne.
  • Certain Medications – If someone is mostly on some kind of medication that has a side effect of acne and hormonal changes, then they are prone to acne. Drugs containing corticosteroids, testosterone, or lithium are the most acne-causing drugs.

Where does acne most commonly occur?

Acne is mostly seen on the outer and exposed parts of the human body, face, upper back, shoulders, and forehead. Because these parts of the body contain sebaceous glands which have oil glands.

What are the different types of acne?

  • Blackheads

Blackheads are formed by the clogging of sebum and dead skin cells. These are the parts that contain oil and have open pores filled with bacteria. The top of the pore stays open, resulting in a characteristic black color seen on the surface.

  • Whiteheads

Whiteheads are also formed when a pore gets clogged by sebum and dead skin cells. However, the top of the pore is closed and looks like a small bump protruding from the skin. Whiteheads are very difficult to treat because the pores are closed. Products containing salicylic acid and topical retinoids give the best results for comedonal acne. Stronger topical retinoids are also available by prescription from the dermatologist.

  • Inflammatory acne

Pimples that are red and swollen are inflammatory acne. Even though sebum and dead skin cells contribute to inflammatory acne, bacteria play a role in clogging up pores and making it inflamed because bacteria can cause an infection deep beneath the skin’s surface resulting in painful acne.

  • Papules

Papules occur when the walls surrounding the pores break down from severe inflammation, resulting in hard, clogged pores that are tender to the touch and pinkish skin.

  • Pustules

Pustules also form when the walls on everywhere your pores break down. However, they are filled with pus. Usually, red bumps come out from the skin and are often have yellow or whiteheads on top.

  • Nodules

Nodules occur when clogged, swollen pores endure more irritation and grow larger. Unlike pustules and papules, nodules are deeper underneath the skin and thus, may not be typically treated at home.

  • Cysts

Cysts develop when pores are clogged by a mixture of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells. The clogs occur deeper within the skin even further below the surface than nodules. These are formed as large red or white bumps, which are often painful to the touch.

What types of acne do I have?

There are four main types of acne, The most common acne is the “whiteheads” these are formed on top with a little white pus-filled.

There are various treatments for acne –

  • Medication – Using vitamin A and some anti-biotics can help reduce the acne level
  • Icing the pimple – Applying ice on the pimple helps block the pores and freeze the bacteria.
  • Treatment – A skin treatment is surely required if your skin becomes very sensitive to the substances you use.


Can I Pop a Pimple?

Although popping a pimple might be a bad idea, it requires the suggestion of a dermatologist. It creates very striking attention to the people and also develops pain in the place of pimples.

Does Chocolate cause acne?

Eating chocolate doesn’t cause any acne, eating anything sweet doesn’t relate to the pimple or the affected area.

Do certain foods cause acne?

Food is not the only reason your acne might be growing upon. Although oily foods might be partly a reason for acne, eating healthy also helps your skin to shine and evolve better.

Why do so many teenagers get acne?

Some glands of the body contain oils that give growth to the acne developed at the time of adulthood and developing hormones.

Should I stop wearing makeup if I have acne?

Some skin of people might be sensitive and it can immediately react to the chemicals. But that shouldn’t stop you from wearing makeup, always thrive for the best, suitable products and make yourself happy.

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