
Dr. Praneeth Skin Hair Laser Clinic

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis Causes, Treatments, and General Skin Care

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin infection that infects the skin surface and shows up as red and scratch patches. This condition usually develops when the cells build up to form dehydrated spots. They are itchy dry patches which could be a long-term chronic disease. Sometimes they flare up in cycles for a few weeks to months and subside, while other times they could be constantly appearing causing a lot of distress.
Psoriasis is thought to be an immune system problem that most often develops on the knees, elbow, scalp, and trunk areas as a rash on the outer skin.

Types of Psoriasis?

There are many different types of psoriasis:

  • Plaque psoriasis: This is caused when the skin shows roughness that’s covered with silver patches. Shown mostly in the knees and elbow area.
  • Guttate psoriasis: They are shown as small pink spots in our upper arms or thigh areas.
    Inverse psoriasis: Smooth underarms but heavy red patches, gets worse with sweating and rubbing.
  • Pustular psoriasis: Mostly caused in adults with pus-filled bumps, showing up mostly on hands and feet.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: Caused by poor protein and lots of fluid loss. It has several itching and burning pains in the chest area.
  • Nail psoriasis: It changes the color of the nail into yellowish-brown, the removal of the nail is from the inner skin.
  • Psoriatic arthritis: Changes in the nails, and 90% of adults with arthritis face this problem of nails.
  • Scalp Psoriasis: It happens as a single patch or Several patches, and can even affect the entire scalp. It can also spread to your forehead. Some scalps are easily cured or controlled by Scalp Psoriasis Treatment with medication.

Psoriasis Causes and Treatment Options

Psoriasis Causes

It changes according to the body and mood shifts. Some of the main reasons for psoriasis are climate changes, and bug bites. It also might be caused by unhealthy eating, stress, and an unhygienic lifestyle.

Treatment Options

There is no permanent treatment for psoriasis, but only topical and systemic therapies might help. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, the strategy of treatment is to reduce psoriasis to 1% of the body surface area or less within three months. Although treatment can alleviate it, there is no guarantee that it can be cured permanently.
Steroid cream is the promising antidote for the mild medication of these skin hives. Cimzia, Enbrel, Humira, and Remicade are demonstrated to be attentive and beneficial when used with methotrexate. Chat to your health supervisor about which kind of biological treatment would be the best solution for you.

Treatments for Moderate to Severe Psoriasis:

  • Topical Treatments
  • Light Therapy Or Phototherapy
  • Systemic Medication
  • Methotrexate
  • Retinoids
  • Cyclosporine
  • Biologic treatments
  • An enzyme inhibitor

What are the symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Severe pain in the joints
  • Skin turning dry
  • Irritation caused by red rashes
  • Small dents in the patient’s nails
  • Mentally, the patient can become very depressed

Complications of psoriasis?

Psoriasis can develop further conditions and different health problems.

  • Psoriasis arthritis causes pain and swelling.
  • Eye conditions like conjunctivitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Low self-esteem and many more mental health issues.

General Skincare for psoriasis

A person with Psoriasis should add certain steps to their daily skincare routine. The Following skincare steps will help you to prevent or control your psoriasis.

Take a Warm Bath

Taking one warm bath or shower a day can provide short-term relief to psoriasis.

  • One bath or one shower day
  • Limit your bath time, not more than 15 minutes
  • Limit your shower time to not more than 5 minutes
  • Use only Warm Water
  • Use a fragrance-free moisturizer for skin

Keep your skin moist

It can help make your skin better and reduce redness, dryness, itching, scaling, and soreness.

Light Therapy

Light therapy treatment that uses ultraviolet glints to alleviate skin disease can be an effective therapy for psoriasis. It’s a cosmetic medical process that needs to be done under the supervision of a dermatologist/ cosmetologist.

Manage Stress

Stress can cause both psoriases to flare up and increase symptom severity

Quit Alcohol and Smoking

Based on research smoking increases the risk of psoriasis, and can increase nail involvement in psoriasis. Alcohol consumption can negatively impact a person’s symptoms and can cause symptoms to flare.

Best dermatologist for psoriasis treatment

Dr. Praneeth’s clinic has one of the best doctors, technicians who are well trained in handling the patients and solving their skin-related problems for over a decade, and one of the best dermatologist for Psoriasis treatment in Hyderabad, who specialize as skincare professionals and can help relieve your difficulties with concerning skin, nails, and hair. Please call us at 040 4855 3939/9704 946 534 or visit us at https://www.drpraneethclinic.com/contact-us/ to book an appointment with us.



Can psoriasis be cured?

Since psoriasis is a skin disease that is chronic pain, it is remediable but it can never get back to normal even with the medication.

What things should be avoided during psoriasis?

There are some impetuses and burst steps that should be followed if psoriasis comes up on your skin.

  • Lessening the level of alcohol consumption
  • Too much sun can also cause psoriasis to increase.
  •  Being stressed or depressed will add upon more for your skin to break out.
  •  Having processed food and uncooked meat of street stock.

Is psoriasis contagious through kissing/physical touch?

Psoriasis is a non-communicable infection. It doesn’t affect kissing or even physical touching.

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